
The Exotic And Historical value of Lake Toba

North Sumatra province, Indonesia has diverse attractions of exotic and even historical value are worth to visit. One is Parapat. In this city unfolds the beauty of Lake Toba and Samosir Island in the middle of the famous to foreign countries. You only need three to four hour drive from the capital city of North Sumatra, Medan.

Parapat presenting outstanding natural scenery, delicious food, and a variety of souvenir shopping center. Parapat star-studded auberge or bungalows that accommodate the tourists who intend excursions to Lake Toba.

From Parapat there is a ferry port that serves the transport of water to the island of Samosir, precisely to the port Ajibata. If you want to reach the island of Samosir via the land, you have to go around the banks of Lake Toba to Pangururan.

As the largest volcanic lake in Southeast Asia, the Lake Toba become mandatory destinations domestic and foreign tourists. This lake has a length of 100 kilometers, and 30 kilometers wide. In the middle there is Samosir Island, which can also be visited by tourists.

Spent the weekend at Lake Toba, do not miss seeing the sunrise on Mount Sitelu or Tele Tower. Panorama sunrise here become a fantastic natural phenomenon beauty.


Other tourist destination is the village of Bakara, Humbang Hasundutan, North Tapanuli which is still located on the coast of Lake Toba. This village is the birthplace of King SISINGAMANGARAJA XII which is also a national hero. Before reaching Bakara, you need to go Balige the burial place Sisingmangaraja XII.

From Balige, the journey continues by ferry along the Lake Toba for two hours. The cost required quite expensive at 800.000 Indonesian Rupiah. Tickets ship also should be booked a few hours earlier. To save, you should not banc alone.

Many have been know, even the world lot familiar with his name. Singamangaraja, King of the Batak. He arrange law, Indigenous with the concept of enhanced anesthetic. He uphold human rights, frees people from bondage, giving pardon those who repent of errors.

Born in Spear-sulu Sulu Bakkara. A beautiful place, a valley on the banks of Lake Toba crossed by rivers and Aek Aek Silang Simangira meeting in Onan Lobu. The royal palace was first built around Onan Lobu. There are still found signs of history in the form of Hariara Parjuragatan and Stone Hundulan. Then the Royal Palace was built further upstream which was then called Lumbanraja.

Lumbanraja had become one area of the village, but this time the village name was changed into the village Simamora. There goes that there was once a historical aspect there is the township of King Singamangaraja called Lumbanraja.

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